What is this site about.
Here we post bad reviews only, preferably with some funny content in them.
How does it work:
- You register as editor/poster/whatever you call it. So you can create pages, yeah.
- You write your review, in a funny way, and post it for approval.
- Someone, probably me, will approve the review if it is an ok one.
- You get the joy of publishing something that might be handy to someone. You never know, can save someone money, time, nerves, a lot of stuff.
- You might get comments, eventually, not now. These will be approved again by someone, probably me, so not gonna get any rubbish.
General rules of writing a review:
- Make it sound funny. I mean make it readable, please, not just hate.
- Short stuff like – This is shit – just not gonna fly. I understand you might be angry at something but be reasonable. So people can understand it and trust you.
- Put some reasons why you bought it and if you found an alternative.
So is relatively simple I think.
To register an account, before you can write something, this needs to be approved as well. So before something goes online it must be checked.
At the end – this is a site for a) enjoyment and b) knowledge stuff.